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Global Languages

Global Languages French Courses

Study French in the evenings or at the weekend through Oxford International. For students who want a greater understanding of French for general use - including reading, conversation and travelling. Scroll down for more information.
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Level A0 - C1


6-8 students per class when in school


4 and 6 week course options on weekdays and weekends

Why Study French?

  • French is second only to English for the number of countries where it has official status – 32 countries.
  • It’s global – with 56 members, La Francophonie is now larger than the Commonwealth, which has 53.
  • French is also the only language, with English, that is taught in every country of the world, with 100 million students and 2 million teachers – 20 % of whom are outside of francophone countries.
  • French is still a working language of the UN, the EU, and dozens of international organizations including the International Red Cross committee, International Labor Organization, Amnesty International, and Doctors without Borders. Francophone countries form an important bloc in the UN, the EU, the African Union, and the Arab League.
  • French is a beautiful language!



£180 Back to school price: £144

Take our online test to find out which level you should be studying here.


French Class options

  • 2 lessons a week (Mon-Wed) for 4 weeks
  • 1 lesson a week (Saturday morning) for 6 weeks



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Course Locations


European Language Levels

LevelStageLength of courseCEFR level
Beginner112 hoursA0
Beginner212 hoursA0
Beginner312 hoursA1
Beginner412 hoursA1
Elementary112 hoursA1
Elementary212 hoursA1
Elementary312 hoursA2
Elementary412 hoursA2
Pre-Intermediate112 hoursA2
Pre-Intermediate212 hoursA2
Pre-Intermediate312 hoursA2
Pre-Intermediate412 hoursB1
Intermediate112 hoursB1
Intermediate212 hoursB1
Intermediate312 hoursB1
Intermediate412 hoursB2
Upper Intermediate112 hoursB2
Upper Intermediate212 hoursB2
Upper Intermediate312 hoursB2
Upper Intermediate412 hoursC1
Advanced112 hoursC1
Advanced212 hoursC1
Advanced312 hoursC1
Advanced412 hoursC1

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